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Monday, 26 January 2015

Skill Breakout

So you have obtained a new nifty skill and want to level it up?

Skill breakout basically works like this, you feed a skill other skills until it meets a quota and levels up.

All skills begins at Lv 1. Max skill level is currently capped at Lv 7.

The requirements for each level breakout is as follows:

  • Level 1 to 5 - 48% to 50%
  • Level 5 to 6 - Minimum 13.5 A skills
  • Level 6 to 7 - Minimum 14 A skills

There are only 5 available feed slots, so you can only feed a maximum of 5 skills per attempt. However each attempt is recorded in the game, so do not worry if you find that your first attempt is unable to hit the quota of 50%.

So how do you keep track of 50%? 
Take for example you have a Lv 4 Holy Thunder, and you want to breakout the skill to level 5:

In the first attempt, 5 A-class skills amounts to 23%. Press Breakout and the attempt fails.

In the second attempt, another 5 A-class skills amounts to 23%. Press Breakout and the attempt fails again. Total percentage reached: 46%

In the third attempt, one B-class skill is fed at 3%. Total percentage reached is now at 49% which is near/passes the minimum quota. Breakout is successful and skill levels up to 5! =D

For Lv 5 to 6, you need a minimum of 13 A skills + 1 B skill.

For Lv 6 to 7, you need a minimum of 14 A skills. Sometimes it may require 15 or 16 skills, so if the breakout still fails after 14, simply feed it another skill and see if the next attempt passes the quota.

If at any point in time you lose track of the percentage, or how many skills you have fed, just attempt to breakout the skill be feeding it one skill at a time, and it will eventually succeed.

Because skill breakout is quota based, there is ABSOLUTELY NO NEED to feed your S-class skills to other skills, unless you have too many of them and cannot wait to get rid of your extra purples. Lol. xD

UPDATE: SS skills follow the same 50% for level 1 to 5. Levels 5 to 6 and 6 to 7 will require just a bit more A class skills. (Thanks Sebi!)

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