Over time I see players ask the same questions over and over again in the main chat, so hopefully this list of FAQ may answer some of your nagging queries that you may have.
1. How to get VIP 3?
You need to purchase Gold with real money to go beyond VIP 2. When you are at VIP 2, you only need to buy a minimum of 100 Gold to reach VIP 3. Your first purchase will reward you with x3 Gold, so bear that in mind!
2. How to leave my current alliance?
Go to your alliance member list. Click on your name, and then leave.
3. How to get xxx hero?
Refer to the guide here and the heroes list here to see what are your options.
4. What is Vitality Soup for?
Clearing boss stages at Sailing will sometimes reward you with Trainers. After the training ends, use the Vitality Soup to get double exp for your heros.
5. Where to get Rubber Rocket?
The first Sailing stage to drop Rubber Rocket is Civil War - End (boss stage). You may also get lucky at merging 3-Star Skill Drawings or kissing the Mermaid Princess. The skill is also available in the Mystery Shop for a whopping price of 20m Belis.
6. I have been singing Luffy for ages, why can't I complete my last 5 souls of Ace?
You just have to be patient and grind it out. You may get one today, tomorrow, or not get any for a loooong time. My last Ace soul took me 3 weeks to sing!!!
Alternatively, if they are available for sale in the Mystery Shop or Nation War, you may wish to purchase your last 3 souls there to save time.
7. What is Robbery Card for?
The Robbery Card function replaces the old Sailing x10 option. When you clear a Sailing stage with 3 stars, you can use these cards to instantly clear the same stage again without fighting.
8. What is Hot Tea for?
When you have run out of free times to drink with Zoro, use the Hot Tea to get extra drink times. The number of extra times you can drink depends on your VIP level.
9. Its so hard to play this game without spending money!
True, higher VIP players will always be at an advantage, and that's how it works for any game. However this does not mean that FTP players are out of the running too. It just means you will face more challenges, and the road you walk will be longer.
10. What is the difference between VIP 2 and 3?
The main difference between VIP 2 and 3, is that VIP 3 players get access to the following features in the game: Auto battles in Fog, an extra Fog attempt with Sleepy Eye, tap to speed up battles, reset orange Sailing rounds with Gold, Quick Battle and Robbery Card function, extra drinking times with Hot Tea, extra Duet attempts with Snail Shells, extra escort attempt at Nation War trading, and buy extra 10 energy with 8 Gold during mealtimes.
11. Help!! Why are my heroes are stuck at xx level?
The maximum level of your heroes is 3 times your Captain's Level. Lets say if you are Lv 40, the maximum level your heroes can go is Lv 120.
12. What should I spend my Gold on? Is it worthwhile to use Gold to draw Heroes at Logue Town?
Unless you are a Cash player, or unless you are feeling really lucky, don't waste your Gold on Logue Town draws. You are better off saving your Gold for in-game events, or getting your last 3 souls from Mystery Shop/Nation War Pubs to complete your Hero recruitment.
Some of us at Vincere have a OCHD syndrome. Its called, Obsessive Compulsive Hoarder Disorder! xD For FTP players to survive in this game, we have to hoard everythingggggg. When I say everything, I really mean almost everything! Not just Gold, but Belis, Fishballs, Wine, Equipment, Chests, Drawings, Mystical Glass etc. You need to do your best to make sure that by the time the game releases the next event/feature, you will have enough resources to take part in them.
13. Where can I get more Snail Shells (for Singing)?
They are pretty rare but you have a chance to get them at Daily Login-flip cards, Robins Casino, Daily Sign, events/rebates. Or buy them at the Mystery Shop if you see them.
14. What is the Brush for?
It is used to refresh at the Mystery Shop without paying 20 Gold.
15. Why is it that some players in the Arena hit me first?
This is because they have higher morale than your team. Refer to this post here for more information on Morale and Titles.
16. How do I get Lv4 and 5 materials for crafting?
Splitting equipments gives you a chance to get these materials, when you split equipments of better grades, you will have a higher chance of getting better materials.
Why do you always use Ivankov in your examples?
Oh, because the main mascot in our alliance is an Okama king, ehh... I mean queen. xD
Okay okay, other than the last question, the rest are pretty much legit. xD If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to sound them out here! :)
Special thanks to Gigz for your contributions to this FAQ~! <3
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