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Greetings. My alliance mates call me 'Nami', because I am their 'talking wiki' and their Navigator. xD

I realised that no one has yet to make a proper guide for this game, and I am sure you know how frustrating it feels to attempt and figure out everything on your own without support or information. And the in-game explanations are not exactly fantastic either.

I am not a pro in this game, I am mostly a FTP player, and my deck is far from beating anyone in the high ranking arena. But I hope the information you find here will be able to help you in your gameplay, and maybe, we all learn something new at the end of the day.

As time goes by I will be adding more content, updates/news.

But I did not do this alone, all the information gathered and written here has been discussed, debated and contributed by veteran players at Vincere (Luffy S1). I would like to take this opportunity to thank my alliance, without them, compiling this navigation guide wouldn't be possible!

Should you have any queries, comments or requests, feel free to leave a comment.

Have a good day ahead!
