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Thursday, 25 February 2016

Alliance War - Protecting your Alliance Candies the FREE Way!

This game is designed where the strong takes from the weak yea? Strong alliances attack the weaker ones and steal one-third of their candies when they exceed the factory limit, and the alliance that loses will find a big hole in their pockets and suffer a protection damage to their defense bases.

Many of you have probably gone through the frustrations of not being able to protect your alliance candies from stronger opponents. Even if you try to fight back, you cannot help but watch your allies get wiped out and your bases get taken over one by one. So you try to recruit only the best and strong players to defend your bases, or you try to mass canvass candies from donations to quickly upgrade that next shop/factory/defense/offense so that your alliance spends the candies before it gets taken, or your members stop donating candies totally because they feel that it is bound to get stolen anyway. T_T

Well, once upon a time, times were difficult for my alliance too. (YEA we didn't get strong overnight you know, we had a fair share of fending off a torrent of attacks too!) Here is how we outlasted our opponents.

You do NOT need the strongest of the strongest players.

You do NOT need to spend candies to repair your bases. (Concentrate on upgrading your factory/shop/defense & offense bases instead)

You just need a bunch of good friends.

What you need to know about defending your candies at Alliance War

1) Your Candy Factory level limits how much candies your alliance can hold without having 33% of it stolen.

Refer to this post here. If the number of candies is under your factory limit, you do not need to worry about your candies being stolen. Even if you lose an Alliance War battle, your alliance still keeps all the candies it holds and your opponent only gains 50 extra candies in their bank. (Please note that while this is true for PlusOP, I am not sure about the game mechanics in DP3D. Moreover, in the older versions of PlusOP couple years back, alliances did lose 50 candies per loss even if they are under factory limit. While alliances are safe from candy losses now, I cannot guarantee that there won't be any updates in future to change this.)

So what happens when your alliance candies goes over the factory limit and your members are too weak to defend the bases? This brings me to my next point.

2) Only one alliance can attack you at any point in time.

If your alliance is already under attack, no one else can attack you. Therefore, if you make it so that you attack yourself with minion alliances throughout the entire span of Alliance War time, your real opponents cannot declare an Alliance War with you. If they can't touch you, they can't win you. It is just like building a temporary Barto's barrier that lasts 10 minutes per run! xD

Alliance War runs from 6.00pm to 7.30pm game time. (For PlusOP its +8GMT, for DP3D check your own sever timings for Alliance War.) War cannot be declared after 7.20pm. It takes a minimum of 3 minion alliances to cover the entire duration of wartime.

For the German readers, in case my post does not make any sense, here is a simpler breakdown of what you need to do:
1. Create a minimum of 3 accounts.
2. Train them up to level 15 and make a random alliance for each account.
3. Each random alliance has 3 free compasses.
4. During Alliance War, use the random alliance to declare war on your own alliance. For the next 10 minutes, you will be free from enemy attacks.
5. When the round ends after 10 minutes, declare war again. Swap accounts when you run out of compasses.
6. Repeat until wartime ends.

3. For quick and efficient war declaring, make use of your alliance Enemy List.

   (To check your Enemy list, click on the Enemy tab which is on the right of the Defense tab)

Use your main alliance to declare war on your minion alliances. Once you do so, your main alliance will appear on your minion alliance Enemy List for 7 days before disappearing. (Technically, its 7x24 hours, and it expires immediately on the 7th day so effectively you can only use for 6 days before you need to renew it again.) From the Enemy list, you can click on Counter Attack to declare war instead of having to scrolllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll through a long list 93992147253009 alliances to look for your own alliance name.

How often you want to cover your own alliance is up to you. You can solo it out, but if your mates aren't helping then it kinda defeats the purpose of the alliance in the first place. Defending alliance candies is a collective effort, you just need a bunch of active friends, good management and communication skills.

All the best to your alliances and cheers to the bountiful candylicious treats to come! xD

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