Recently Sebi (《A》Ace, Alpha S.4) opened a
discussion on the Facebook page. Apparently there are players complaining about
the game giving out certain heroes right after they painstakingly spent decades
and a fortune to sing/buy a hero.
I guess I can understand what they are trying to say. Its
like you spent so much effort in trying to obtain something, only to realise
soon after that your need not have gone through all that trouble at all. So its
kind of… a wasted effort?
But then again, all these aren’t considered complaints. They
are just sore comments.
It’s really just too bad.
I am mostly a FTP player myself, and I know first hand that
every mistake/wrong decision in the game can be dead costly. There are many
times I want to punch myself with Adamant Haki for doing the stupidest things
in the game! (Yep let me use your words this time Sebi =P)
The launch of the Mystery Shop and the increase of recent
events by Plus OP actually altered the game play considerably. (And when the SS heroes patch finally
reaches us, it will definitely change the landscape once more.) The developers
are slowly adding more avenues for players to farm S heroes. This also means
that as players, we need to learn, adapt, and react accordingly. This includes
changing the way we hunt for new heroes.
So the next time you wonder who you should sing for next,
ask yourself the following:
- Will he be useful in your deck?
- Is he/she an end-game hero?
- Are there other means of farming him besides singing to speed up your hunt?
- Can you buy, or can you afford to buy the last 3 souls from the Mystery Shop/Nation War pubs?
- If no, you need to decide if you want to continue grinding after 27 souls, or stop and switch to sing someone else, while waiting for Plus OP to release an event or sell him in the shop.
The next time Plus OP gives away a hero you already have, don't fret. At least you know you have a steady influx of souls for your next breakout, or for your warship.
With that, I wish you all the best and good luck in bagging
your next shiny purple hero~!
Hee hee, yep this post is dedicated to you Sebi, and also to
your alliance Alpha on S.4. Thank you for taking the time to visit this blog
and giving us your feedback, I really appreciate it. Its been great knowing
you~! =P
Haha what should I say.. it's a pleasure to know you thanks to this (sometimes a pain in the ass-) game so it was already worth playing it:)