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Sunday, 28 February 2016

SS Hero Relations

"What's XXX's SS relations?" "Can you send me a screenshot of SS XXXX?" Ok here is where you should be looking.

For PlusOP players, refer to this album here.

For DP3D peeps, you have your own collection here.

Updates are community based, but to avoid confusion. please do not share relations for heroes that are not yet released for the respective game versions.

Thursday, 25 February 2016

Alliance War - Protecting your Alliance Candies the FREE Way!

This game is designed where the strong takes from the weak yea? Strong alliances attack the weaker ones and steal one-third of their candies when they exceed the factory limit, and the alliance that loses will find a big hole in their pockets and suffer a protection damage to their defense bases.

Many of you have probably gone through the frustrations of not being able to protect your alliance candies from stronger opponents. Even if you try to fight back, you cannot help but watch your allies get wiped out and your bases get taken over one by one. So you try to recruit only the best and strong players to defend your bases, or you try to mass canvass candies from donations to quickly upgrade that next shop/factory/defense/offense so that your alliance spends the candies before it gets taken, or your members stop donating candies totally because they feel that it is bound to get stolen anyway. T_T

Well, once upon a time, times were difficult for my alliance too. (YEA we didn't get strong overnight you know, we had a fair share of fending off a torrent of attacks too!) Here is how we outlasted our opponents.

You do NOT need the strongest of the strongest players.

You do NOT need to spend candies to repair your bases. (Concentrate on upgrading your factory/shop/defense & offense bases instead)

You just need a bunch of good friends.

What you need to know about defending your candies at Alliance War

1) Your Candy Factory level limits how much candies your alliance can hold without having 33% of it stolen.

Refer to this post here. If the number of candies is under your factory limit, you do not need to worry about your candies being stolen. Even if you lose an Alliance War battle, your alliance still keeps all the candies it holds and your opponent only gains 50 extra candies in their bank. (Please note that while this is true for PlusOP, I am not sure about the game mechanics in DP3D. Moreover, in the older versions of PlusOP couple years back, alliances did lose 50 candies per loss even if they are under factory limit. While alliances are safe from candy losses now, I cannot guarantee that there won't be any updates in future to change this.)

So what happens when your alliance candies goes over the factory limit and your members are too weak to defend the bases? This brings me to my next point.

2) Only one alliance can attack you at any point in time.

If your alliance is already under attack, no one else can attack you. Therefore, if you make it so that you attack yourself with minion alliances throughout the entire span of Alliance War time, your real opponents cannot declare an Alliance War with you. If they can't touch you, they can't win you. It is just like building a temporary Barto's barrier that lasts 10 minutes per run! xD

Alliance War runs from 6.00pm to 7.30pm game time. (For PlusOP its +8GMT, for DP3D check your own sever timings for Alliance War.) War cannot be declared after 7.20pm. It takes a minimum of 3 minion alliances to cover the entire duration of wartime.

For the German readers, in case my post does not make any sense, here is a simpler breakdown of what you need to do:
1. Create a minimum of 3 accounts.
2. Train them up to level 15 and make a random alliance for each account.
3. Each random alliance has 3 free compasses.
4. During Alliance War, use the random alliance to declare war on your own alliance. For the next 10 minutes, you will be free from enemy attacks.
5. When the round ends after 10 minutes, declare war again. Swap accounts when you run out of compasses.
6. Repeat until wartime ends.

3. For quick and efficient war declaring, make use of your alliance Enemy List.

   (To check your Enemy list, click on the Enemy tab which is on the right of the Defense tab)

Use your main alliance to declare war on your minion alliances. Once you do so, your main alliance will appear on your minion alliance Enemy List for 7 days before disappearing. (Technically, its 7x24 hours, and it expires immediately on the 7th day so effectively you can only use for 6 days before you need to renew it again.) From the Enemy list, you can click on Counter Attack to declare war instead of having to scrolllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll through a long list 93992147253009 alliances to look for your own alliance name.

How often you want to cover your own alliance is up to you. You can solo it out, but if your mates aren't helping then it kinda defeats the purpose of the alliance in the first place. Defending alliance candies is a collective effort, you just need a bunch of active friends, good management and communication skills.

All the best to your alliances and cheers to the bountiful candylicious treats to come! xD

Wednesday, 24 February 2016

For Alliance Leaders: Candy Factory Levels and Upgrade Costs

Want to know when to attack an alliance for that 33% candy steal? Refer to the Factory Level and Protection list here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1UcIqHNJFb8evyEg5HhJ-o9Ux5VnDWApWe_VEFbSBqoY/edit?usp=sharing

At the moment I only have the numbers for factory levels 1 to 10.

What does Protection mean?
This number shows the maximum amount of candies your alliance can hold without suffering a deadly 33% steal. Lets say your alliance has factory level 1. If your alliance holds 500 candies and another alliance attacks you and wins, you do not lose any candies and your opponent will earn 50 candies. However, if your alliance holds 501 or more candies, you will lose one-third of your candies to your opponent if they win.

With this, you should be able to figure out your opponent's factory levels easily, and aim for that 33% steal!

(Ignore the list of alliances listed, this is the table that my alliance mates refer to for our Alliance War at S1, and I am too lazy to copy/modify a clean list xD)

Adventure: New World Enemy List

One of my last gift for you guys who may need it.

New World Enemy List:
(hero lineups are the same for PlusOP/Dp3d)

You can generally ignore the colours because I was using them to spot any potential dangers at a quick glance. But if you are interested, here is an explanation.

For Adventure starters who like to modify their deck for each island, look at the first tab (Building Decks).
Heroes in Red mean they can potentially kill you in 1 hit.
Green means they have high HP and you need to make sure these guys do not enter round 3.
Yellow means that at high islands (approx 120/130 onwards) they may kill you off in 1 hit.

For Adventure pros aiming for 150 islands but only have 1 fully zealed atk hero or less, look at the 2nd tab (End-Game Yolo Atk Decks). Heroes in Green means they can cast a multi-atk skill on Def positions. These are the heroes you need to look out for and make sure that you kill them before they kill you.

(How to swap tabs? Look at the bottom of the screen!)

For players aiming for perfect 1350 stars, you are probably at the stage where these coloured indications mean nothing to you at all. However, you still do need to note certain lineups. For example, pay attention if you are fighting Hancock/Mihawk/Moria on 7v8, because that tanky Shanks will be on the 8th spot. If your AOE attack can't finish him off, he will steal 3 stars from that battle. *rawrrrrr!*

Have fun getting that 1350 stars~ xD

Friday, 4 December 2015

Awakening Heroes

UPDATE: In Jan 2016, the missions for A to S awakening has been modified, hence the Stage Task Breakdown is no longer accurate. However, you still can farm Adventure Hearts from A heroes before swapping to your S hero, you just need to note that the sequence of missions of A to S is now different, and there may/may not be possible changes in future. Nevertheless, the general strategy for hearts farming remains the same.

Hello all PlusOPers (and dp3d stalkers) its been a while! Since SS awakening is such a hot topic and everyone asks the same questions, I’m going to compile all of them here.

Things you need to know

Minimum level required for each hero to do Awakening is Lv80. If you can’t find your desired hero in the list, check your hero again. 

Awakening tasks generally follow the same pattern. S to SS heroes have roughly the same sequence, while A to S to SS follows another similar sequence. Occasionally you will find some typos in the task/mission numbering for certain heroes, else they should all be the same. If you have a hero that has a different task/mission breakdown, try not to give up midway to avoid mishaps.

When you choose to "Give Up", Stage progress will be saved. However, Task progress will be lost. This means that you will need to redo the entire Stage all over from the first task.

This means that if you give up on Stage 2 Task 3, you will need to redo missions from Stage 2 Task 1 should you decide to resume your awakening quests on this hero. 

Remember to click on BEGIN TASK before you actually proceed to do your mission. 

Stage Task Breakdown

A to S

S to SS

To avoid referring mistakes, I will not list the specific map stages. You can click on the 'Mission' button and the game will bring you to the correct stage/map. 

How to get Adventure’s Hearts?

You can only farm Adventure’s Hearts if you are AT the task that requires you to turn in the 30 hearts.

You have limited attempts at Heroic stages to farm your hearts, if you want to speed up your progress you need to spend gold to refresh the stage.

Never never never never never neverrrrrrrrr EVER farm your hearts at the 2nd last stage of S to SS awakening, You only have 3 hits at the boss stage, which requires 3 energy per hit, and the Soul drop rate is low. You are only wasting your precious energy, gold for refresh, and prolonging the number of days required.

You can SPEED UP the progress of gathering your Adventure’s Hearts considerably if you farm 29 of them first on Stage 3 Task 2 of A to S awakening (Nami/Sanji/Brook etc). After you collect 29 hearts, cancel the mission and swap to your desired S hero. The hearts will remain in your bag and you can use them for your next mission.

Why farm the hearts from the mission of A to S awakening?
Instead of the Heroic Boss stage, A to S Heroic Adventure’s Hearts gathering is on the first WHITE stage of the chapter. You will have 5 hits instead of 3, for only 2 energy each, plus there is a regular drop rate of Hero’s treasure pack where you can get a bunch of extra items, especially those fishballs! In the long run you will save a WHOLEEE ton of time plus get extra stuff, pretty neat huh?

On top of that, if you cancel the mission of the A to S after your 29th heart, your Stage progress is still saved. This means when you need to farm the hearts again, all you need to do is go back to the same A class hero, hit Franky’s Workshop 10 times (you can also keep re-doing this task for extra gold chests and orbs), and tadaaaaa you are ready to farm them immediately once again~!


Do NOT hit 30 Adventure’s Hearts if you intend to cancel the mission at 29 and swap to your desired hero. If you accidentally hit 30 hearts, the ‘Give Up’ button will disappear. (Thanks Barto!) You will then have no choice but to either proceed or dump/inherit the hero in order to retain your hearts.

If you do accidentally hit 30 hearts, you have a 2nd chance at collecting your 29 hearts at the next task (Normal white stage sailing, approx 100 energy to collect all 29 hearts).

And nope, you cannot farm more than 30 hearts because I've tried it with normal sailing on Nami. *pffffft* (I know what you are thinking there~! xD)

Where to get Marine’s Soul and Pirate’s Will?

They are available for farming at every BOSS stage at 5th, 15th 25th, 35th, 45th, 55th chapters of Heroic Sailing. The drops alternate for each following chapter, meaning:

Animal Island – Marine’s Soul
Whisky Peak – Pirate’s Will
Skypia – Marine’s Soul
Memory Sea 2 – Pirate’s Will
Puffing Tom – Marine’s Soul
Tit for tat – Pirate’s Will

Unlike Adventure’s Hearts, you can farm these items ANYTIME, meaning that you do not need to be at the mission to farm these items.

If you hit all these stages regularly/everyday, you should have no problem having enough items by the time you reach the last stage of your awakening.

After Awakening

The hero's level will be adjusted according to his current EXP pool. You will notice a slight reduction in the hero’s level. 

Potential distribution is also reset according to the new hero's level. A portion of Orbs will be refunded and you need to re-orb the hero from scratch. 

Zeal progress will NOT be affected, unless your hero falls below lvl 39 after the conversion.

Breakouts will be reset and all souls will be refunded. First breakout for SS now requires 68 souls, and 90 for the second. Do not trust the breakout stats shown on the screen because there are a ton of errors. Always look at your stats BOTH before and after breakout to get the accurate numbers.

After SS awakening, you get a new shiny golden hero!! *yayyy*

Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Friends, Enemies & Follow List

1. Friends

It would be so lonely without any friends wouldn't it? xD

What are friends for?
If the person is on your friend list, you can easily message him via the Friends section. You can also check on his formation anytime.

Having at least 16 names on your Friend list will also unlock the maximum morale boost for "Many Friends". So be sure to make friends! xD

How to add friends?
You can click on "Add Friend" in the Friends section to search for a friend if you know his IGN. (Provided the game does not crash on you.)

You can also add a friend from the arena if you click on the player's banner.

In Nation War, the 'Add Friend" option is available for all ships within the same camp.

2. Enemy

When you check your news feed and see that a player has stolen your skill fragment, or he has beaten you in arena, chances are he might have become your enemy, and his name will appear on your Enemy list in the Friends section.

If a player is on your Enemy list, it means you have him 'marked down' in arena. You should be able to challenge him anytime, even if he gets a little too far ahead in rankings (this has limitations of course).

So for example you need to break into Top 10 for a morale boost and you have someone already in Top 10 willing to help you and be your stepping stone. However, you are still not ranked close enough to challenge your friend yet. :'(  Here is what you can try out, get your friend to steal one of your skill fragments to get himself on your enemy list (your levels must not be too far apart in order for him to be able to steal your fragment). If successful, you should now be able to challenge him in the arena! However, this will not work if your friend is ranked top No 1.

After a while, the player will cease to be your enemy. It could be that a certain amount of time has lapsed, or new enemies have replaced the old ones. I am not exactly sure of the exact conditions so if you have any info do let us know! :)

3. Follow

I have always wondered what is the use of this function, and never really understood it till I saw the official guide on DP3D here.

Basically, it allows you to mark a player on your Enemy list forever! Yep forever, until you decide to remove him from your Follow list. So once you stalk... eh, I mean... follow a player, he will always be your enemy until you un-follow him.

To follow a player, click a name on your Enemy list and click 'Follow'.

The number of players you can friend or follow all depends on your VIP and Captain's level.

Monday, 16 February 2015

Cross Server Arena - Elimination Stages

This section is a continuation from Cross Server Arena - Qualifying Period.

Top 32 players from the Qualifying Rounds proceed to the Elimination Stage, where they battle it out in a single-elimination knock out tournament. Winners from each match will proceed on to the next stage until the King of Ocean is crowned at the end of 5 days.


The match-ups for each elimination stage seem to be random, it may take a bit of guesswork to predict who would be your next opponent that you are fighting.

Every night from 9pm to 10pm server time (+8GMT), the system will do the following:
  • tabulate results
  • 'randomly' match up the winners into pairs for the upcoming Elimination Stage
  • Capture and update all the information of the players' current deck for the upcoming match. This includes everything in the formation, heroes, line-up, stats, skills, and morale
    • This means that any changes you make to your deck after 10pm will NOT be reflected in the current match
    • It is your own responsibility to remember to arrange your own deck for the competition by 9pm everyday, bearing in mind that the formation that you are arranging is for your NEXT match in case you win and proceed to the next stage, and not for the current match which you are waiting for the results. So if you do manage to advance, you won't find yourself screwed at fighting with a wrong formation.
    • Once you set your deck at 9pm, to be safe, leave it untouched till 10pm because you will not know when it is your turn for the system to capture the information and save your deck.

At 10pm the game will release the results and match-ups, and everyone can start placing their bets.

Cheering Team Bug
It is pretty much confirmed that currently there is a bug in the Cheering Team for all Cross Server Arena fighters. No matter how many times you have upgraded the Cheering slots, the game will read all of them at Lv 0. This affects the stats of the heroes in battle as well.


They managed to fix the betting bug in the middle of the 2nd Cross Server Arena. You are now able to choose how much you want to bet instead of the default 50k Belis. You can bet up to a maximum of 10m Belis. If your prediction of the winner of the match is correct, you will receive double your bet amount.

Before you choose who to bet on, you can click on the player's name to view the formation that they will be fighting with. You can also watch the previous match and pay attention to how much morale they had.

Once you place your bets, you cannot change it.

Betting for each stage ends 9pm server time (+8GMT).

To receive your betting rewards, scroll back to the previous Elimination Stage. There will be a 'Claim Reward' button for each match with a correct prediction.


After the Finals, the 'King of Ocean' will be crowned and everyone will be able to worship the top 4 players for Energy.

Click on Admire to do your worship.

For each worship you can choose either to pay 100k Belis for 10 Energy, or 20 Gold for 30 Energy.

The number of worship attempts depend on your VIP level.

I have no idea what difference it makes if you worship one player instead of another, but I guess you can go ahead and click Admire on whichever player you like more. xD

Random update: Lunar New Year Outfits!

I'm pretty sure most of you have seen them already, but still I think this is too cool not to deserve a mention. xD

Here is the wave of flashing red attires~

They even have one for Nami!!! Yay!  恭喜发财!红包拿来!xD

Advanced Lunar New Year greeting everyone! Have a prosperous Goat year ahead! :D

Friday, 13 February 2015

Valentine's Event: Luci, Cheering, Chocolates and Roses~!

Love is in the air~! xD

Ok maybe not hahaha. This Valentine's event is pretty awesome in my opinion! However, dear Plus OP... well advanced notice aside, at least an update/explanation on your Facebook page would be nice. Or maybe the admins are too busy on their V.Day dates. xD

The main highlights of this event are of course, Luci and the Cheering Card!

Chocolates and Roses can be farmed from Sailing.

Chocolates can be opened to get one of the following:
  • 1 Rose
  • 10 Gold
  • 1 Dolphin Bracelets Package
(The 'Use' button on the Rose item is... useless.)

Although the event runs 4 days until 15 February 2015, Luci souls x30 and the Cheering Card can only be exchanged once.

Farming Chocolates and Roses

All Sailing stages drop these items, however apparently blue boss stages have the highest drop rates, followed by the green stages. You can consider clearing off all boss stages first, before attempting the green stages. Or spread your farming across the remaining days and only attempt the better stages to save on the energy required

If you are VIP 3 and above and are sick of Sailing the stages one by one, you can also consider using your Robber Cards for quicker farming. 

Yes this requires a heck load of Fish Balls and Steaks, but by now all of us should have learnt to hoard hoard hoard everythingggg in the game, so most of us would have already saved up a stash of Fish Balls and Steaks.

Luci should be obtainable with approximately 750 energy (with some Chocolate opening), depending on your luck.


If you already have Roger and Ace, Luci will boost their Defense! She is a pretty good card to have. Here are some screenshots, and if you were wondering, Luci sings her son. (Thanks Sebi!)

(Thanks Sebi for the screenshot! xD)

All the best to all players trying to bag her! Good luck~! <3

Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Cross Server Arena - Qualifying Period

The best of the best across servers can enter the fray to battle it out in the Cross Server Arena!

Cross Server Arena is very different from your normal Dressrosa Arena. A good deck does not guarantee you a spot in the Cross Arena rankings. This is because the system is largely point based, and to earn more points you simply need to spend Gold. It seems like this feature is made to benefit cash players, and FTP players hardly stand a chance at all, unless you have plenty of Gold stashed beforehand. However FTP players can still reap many freebies and rewards from the event.

The in-game guide on Cross Server Arena is... beyond terrible.  Like seriously... *shakes head* Yea I guess there is a lot to explain, so it may be hard to put them all in words, but the game copywriters could really do much better for the guide!

For easier reference, I am breaking the my guide for Cross Server Arena into 2 sections, Qualifying Period, and the Elimination Stages.

Overview of Cross Server Arena

Cross Server Arena opens to all players who are Lvl 12 and above.

Check the Server Entry list to see the list of participating servers for your group.

Qualifying Round

In the Qualifying Round, there are 5 stages. You start from Rookie, and move on to Set Sail, then Wave Slasher, Unique Prestige, and finally Golden Body.

In each stage, players battle each other for points. In order to proceed to the next stage, you need to collect enough points for that stage.

  • Rookie - 1500 points
  • Set Sail - 1680 points
  • Wave Slasher - 1840 points
  • Unique Prestige - 1980 points
  • Golden Body 

When you hit the number of points required for each stage, you will be brought to the Promotion Round. There, you need to defeat 3 of the 5 enemies listed before you are 'promoted' and move on to the next stage to continue your point collection. 

After the server resets at midnight (+8GMT), if you are still unable to be promoted, the number of wins required will be reduced by 1. (Eg. You need 3 wins at first, but after midnight you now only need 2 wins.) However, it is required that you win at least 1 battle in the Promotion Round.

Each battle attempt costs 1 stamina.

Each day you have 20 free attempts to battle other players, as well as 1 free chance to refresh your opponent list. You can purchase more attempts or refreshes with Gold. 

You can also click on Last Stand instead of the normal Challenge to gain a temporary 20% stat boost for your team, however, this will cost you 4 attempts instead of 1, as well as 5 stamina.

For each battle you initiate, a win earns you 75 to about 150 points, 3 Orbs and 2 Gold. A loss gives you 1 Orb and 1 Gold. 

When another player attacks you, you keep your points if you defend successfully, or lose points if you are defeated. According to the in-game guide, "if the attacker uses windstorm, you won't lose points." I am assuming that they meant if your opponent had used Last Stand to battle you, you will not lost points even if you lose. 

Last Preliminary Round - Golden Stage

From here onwards, it's basically point farming all the way! Similar to the previous stages, you fight other players to accumulate points until the Qualifying Period ends.

As usual, you get 20 free attempts and 1 free refresh daily. You need to purchase extra attempts/refreshes with Gold.

Top 32 players with the best scores will proceed to the Elimination Stage.


Rewards will be sent everyday, and what you receive depends on which stage you are in. The rewards will be available for collection till the end of the Cross Arena Battle, so don't forget to claim it before it poofs!

Random things to note:

  • The cost to purchase extra attempts and refreshes resets every midnight (+8GMT). If you are a cash player aiming for the top 32 spots, do bear this in mind and plan your spendings.
  • For each stage at the Qualifying Round, you cannot get negative points. Hence, for FTP players, in order to avoid getting attacked too often in the beginning stages, you can consider to camp in Promotion Rounds most of the time, while timing your attacks properly.
  • If you are aiming for top 32, remember to note what time the Qualifying Period ends. 
  • Right at the end of the Qualifying Round, the system will start to capture the decks of the top 32 players and save the details of their team formations for the first upcoming Elimination match. The server does this between 9 to 10PM (+8GMT). We cannot pin point the exact timing which the server will save your formation, but one of our alliance member has estimated that the game saved his deck at about 9.05pm while he was in the midst of swapping out some of his heroes for his Adventure deck. 
  • Once a player's formation is saved into the system for the upcoming match, that formation will be kept and used for next the Elimination match in Cross Server Arena. Any further changes you make to your team later in the day will NOT be be reflected at all. Therefore it is important to set your deck by 9pm server time DAILY and leave it untouched till 10pm when the system is done sorting out the match-ups. Or else, you may have to risk using a wrong team for your upcoming match. 
  • Just in case you are confused by what I just wrote, let me summarise the previous 2 pointers again. You need to:
    • Set your formation by 9pm (+8GMT)
    • Let the system capture and save your deck between 9 to 10pm
    • 10pm onwards, the game reveals the match-ups for the Elimination Stage and your formation for Cross Server Arena is set. Any changes you make to your team now will not affect this match. Wait for the results the following day at 10pm.

Update: There seems to be a bug ever since the beginning of Cross Server Arena. For your cheering team stats, the formations in the leaderboards will only display Lv 0 for all your cheering slots no matter how much you have leveled them.

Not sure if this bug only affects the display of player's formation, or the effects are carried over into actual battle. We'll find out once the Elimination Stages start.

This guide is continued in Cross Server Arena - Elimination Stages.